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  • The post-earthquake solidarity keeps on going: from PRAMAC a generator to give hope

  • Power Generators-Pramac -Accumoli
  • The outpouring of solidarity that has involved the territory of the municipality of Accumoli, affected by constant earthquakes that have taken place since August 24th, does not stop. A concrete help has arrived from PRAMAC, a company leader in the production of power generators. The Civic Committee Radici Accumolesi has enthusiastically accepted the generous offer of the company from Siena; the offer did solve a serious problem affecting “Alta Montagna Bio”, one of the few companies still active in the region despite the dramatic facts of these months.

    The generator S15000 donated by PRAMAC and given by the Civic Committee to the company run by Katia D'Apostolo and Guido Pica will assure a continuous supply of electricity even in case of repeated blackouts like the ones of the recent months, which caused serious damages to the production line. 

    “I wholeheartedly thank the Siena-based company,” said Renzo Colucci, president of the Civic Committee Radici Accumolesi upon delivery of the donation. "It is thanks to the spontaneous generosity of many people, that we can solve those problems that may appear irrelevant to the bureaucratic organizational structures but actually represent a huge concern for our people, hit by the tragedy of the earthquake." "To PRAMAC," continued Colucci, "I express the full gratitude of Katia D’Apostolo and Guido Pica, who have now one less thing to worry about”.